A two-story truss rests on four columns at the ground level, allowing the upper floor to cantilever out past the entrance, creating a dynamic entry point and a new shared entrance plaza. 地面上的四个柱子撑起了两层楼高的桁架,上层的悬臂探出入口,创造了一个充满活力的进入节点和新的共享入口广场。
Individual selection of the entrance point for thoracic pedicles in the surgery of scoliosis 个体化选择脊柱侧凸患者胸椎椎弓根螺钉进钉点的研究
If the sensor detects temperatures that are below the desired pasteurization temperature, the valve diverts flow to the entrance point for unpasteurized product. 如果传感器觉察到温度处在指定巴氏杀菌温度之下,那么阀门将流向改变到为未经巴氏杀菌产品而设的人口。
Adaptation after college entrance concerns pressure situation caused by changes in the relationship between the individual and his environment, and it is an important turning point for an individual. 前言:“入学适应”是个体在与环境关系发生多方面改变而引发的压力情境。
We'll find an entrance point from the side. 我们得从边上找到入口。
Objective: To provide data for the operation of pedicle screw entrance according to the screw entrance point of thoracolumbar vertebral arch and transverse screw angle ( TSA) which were determined by CT before operation. 目的:通过术前CT测定胸腰椎椎弓根进钉点及水平面椎弓根钉植入角(transversescrewangle,TSA),为术中椎弓根置钉操作提供一参照数据。
Results The distance between inferior horn of thyroid cartilage and the entrance point of recurrent laryngeal nerve into the larynx was ( 6.3 ± 1.9) mm. 结果甲状软骨下角距喉返神经入喉处(6.3±1.9)mm;
The art career of Marcel Duchamp is an entrance which we understands Duchamp, and also a jumping-off point which the text discuss Duchamp from advocating art to opposing art. 杜尚的艺术生涯是我们了解杜尚的一个入口,也是本论文在后面论述杜尚从艺术走向反艺术的过程中一个起点。
Conclusions: The way of guiding the operation of pedicle screw entrance by the pedicle screw entrance point and TSA which were determined by CT and taking the joint protrusion as the reference is simple, intuitionistic and reliable. 结论:以关节突为参照物,通过术前CT测定椎弓根进钉点及TSA指导术中置钉操作,有简便、直观及可靠的优点。
The study on the screw entrance point of pedicle of thoracolumbar vertebral arch and TSA determined by CT and its clinical application CT测定胸腰椎椎弓根进钉点与TSA及其在术中的应用
Entrance: Incisive Point of Architecture Form 入口&建筑形态的切入点
It analyzes approaching& corresponding relation of urban planning with operation, as entrance point, it illustrates inter-acting mechanism of urban planning with operation and well basal condition. 分析了城市规划与城市经营二者具有的一定趋近性和对应关系,并以此为切入点,阐述了城市规划与城市经营的相互作用机制及二者形成良性互动的基础条件。
Traditional firewall connects external network and internal network in single entrance point. Single-point-failure for firewall gradually becomes the network bottleneck, debases the network's availability. 传统防火墙是在单点将内网接入外网,它会因单点失效而成为网络的瓶颈,降低网络的可用性。
In this chapter, by taking the loss of tax revenue caused by multinationals avoidance as the entrance point, the author clarifies the purpose and significance of choosing this topic. 以跨国公司避税所造成的税收流失现象为文章切入点,进而阐明作者选题的目的与意义。
It is an important aspect of education fair that National College Entrance examination(" NCEE "for short) related to the enrollment fair starting point and educational resources, opportunities, fair distribution. 高考关系到入学起点公平和教育资源、机会分配公平,是教育公平的重要方面。
The maintenance of fair and college entrance examination system is the logical starting point and the existence of "base", but also the evolution of college entrance examination system and change the basic values, which is the rationale of this article. 追求公平是高考制度产生的逻辑起点和存在立基,也是高考制度演进和变革的基本价值取向,这是本文的立论基础。
Over the last decades, the tense examination has been occupied a proportion in the National College Entrance Examination. We can easily find its test point in multiple choice questions, passage correction and composition. The importance of tense study in English deserves our attention. 纵观近十年的全国英语高考的单项选择题、短文改错题与作文题,时态的考查一直都占有相当的比重,英语学习中时态的重要性可见一斑。
Throughout the examination of relevant research on the quantitative point of view to study the entrance of the largest studies of the second test; from the research point of view, a side from the examinations for the exams, tests done some research and thinking. 纵观关于考试的相关研究,从数量上看,研究高考的最多,研究中考的次之;从研究内容来看,主要从某一个侧面对于考试的考试方式、考试内容做了一些研究和思考。
A fuzzy logic approach is proposed to regulate the number of vehicles entering a freeway entrance point during rush traffic times. 提出一种模糊逻辑方法控制高峰期间进入高速公路的车辆数目。
From the power of the entrance to adapt to social development point of view, high school writing teaching should be the focus of high school Chinese teaching, especially high school writing teaching to develop argumentative essays. 无论从升学还是从适应社会发展的角度来说,高中阶段的写作教学都应是高中语文教学的重中之重,尤其是高中生议论文写作教学。
The parameters of trans-lunar trajectory are calculated using numerical method, and the location of entrance point and the appropriate launch window are analyzed. 利用数值方法计算得到了满足条件的奔月轨道,并对入口点位置选取以及满足条件的奔月窗口做出了分析。
This chapter raises the principle of design and considerable scenic factors in tunnel entrance, emphasizing in research of the concept and method of the tri-layers design, as well as the detail practices of point, surface and line patterns in layer design. 提出了隧道洞口应考虑的景观因素、设计原则。重点研究并提出了隧道洞口景观的三层次设计的概念和方法及层次设计中的点、面、线模式的具体应用。